We are … what we eat.

Scientists have confirmed food toxins foster inflammation (back pain, headaches, skin disease, organ damage), deposit plaques (high blood pressure, stroke, dementia) …  and even trigger formation of tumours. Sadly they can also interfere with the reproductive system causing infertility and miscarriage.

Doctors always prescribe medications - but these hardly ever cure the issue. The new research has found - minimising food toxins in your diet stops the damage and lets your immune system recover …  Then healing begins.

An old cliché! But studies confirm - food toxins weaken our immunity . . . allowing the slow-burn damage that eventually becomes serious disease.

Learn to select low toxin foods

The foodintol® LoTox program is a unique membership. We teach you everything you need to know for the journey of your life! Follow the Daily meal plans as set out - or pick and choose meals as you like. All your questions answered by friendly professionals. 

Most members notice symptoms easing within days - and true healing over a few weeks. You’ll never be hungry … and gain new insight into the wonder of your precious body!  Details >