Whatever your illness

… you can start healing with us.

Gorgeous low toxin gardener

Member comment:

‘So effective - I’m wondering why why it took me so long to do this.’ Jennifer S. IL

foodintol® Member Survey:

  • 41% report less headache

  • 70% say irritable bowel is better

  • 38% had welcome weight loss

  • 79% report bloating has vanished

  • 70% report increased energy levels

Free self-assess test

Find out if you’re affected by food toxins.

 What are food toxins? FAQs:

  • You already know quite a lot about food toxins! You’ve heard of gluten, casein and lactose. Other less well known toxins include phytates, soy lectins, solanines, saponins, zein and alkaloids.

    But what you may not know is … new medical findings now implicate food toxins in serious disease. Slow-burn poisons … in foods we eat every day act slowly and silently to generate: diabetes, motor neurone disease, cancers, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, osteoporosis, autism, schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, miscarriage and dementia to name a few.

  • Toxins engage and aggravate the immune system. They cause chronic inflammation, tissue damage, organ malfunction and plaque deposits. Prolonged provocation - over a lifetime causes tumours, reproductive issues, neural damage and blood clotting disorders.

  • If you are already diagnosed - choosing low toxin foods prevents further damage - allowing natural healing to take place. If you are not diagnosed - the low toxin diet greatly reduces your risk of disease. The fewer toxins you eat - the healthier you will be!

  • The low toxin program improves your illness by reducing the damaging effects of food toxins. Many diseases are progressive – slowly becoming worse. But the low toxin diet can stop your disease in its tracks - so it will not get worse. It will also prevent nasty complications from appearing. For example, complications of diabetes include leg amputations, kidney disease (dialysis) and/or blindness.

  • On the foodintol®LoTox program most people notice their symptoms fade - and disease markers improve. But you must keep taking your prescribed medications*. As you improve - you can then work with your doctor to review your meds.

  • You could do the Self-Assess Test … or learn more about the LoTox Program.

*We are not medical professionals and do not give medical advice. Never change anything about your medications without consulting your doctor.

Deborah Manners food toxin and disease specialist

Deborah Manners … founder

‘Twenty five years ago I refused to be ‘cancelled’ by those who sniggered about my food intolerances . . . so my research began.

A few dietary changes restored my health - and saw loss of 17 kg in excess weight. This magical journey brought positive changes both personally and professionally … I am now disease-free and healthier than I have been for decades.

Delayed reactions in food intolerance

Deborah Manners interview … delayed reactions of food intolerance.

What is the cure for food intolerance?

Deborah Manners interview …